Can mobile users find the sheet they are looking for on the Smartsheet mobile app?
Group project
4 UX researchers
2022.01 – 03 (12 weeks)
Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-based software that supports collaboration and work management within organizations.
While Smartsheet previously redesigned the navigation system on the mobile platform, the goal of this research is to investigate the usability and utility of Smartsheet mobile's main navigation system to provide recommendations for improvement. The team conducted 10 moderated usability testing sessions with 5 power and 5 non-power users by observing them using the Smartsheet mobile app and going through 3 tasks related to navigation.
UX researcher
I moderated user interviews and took interview notes. I did qualitative coding on the interviews and analyzed to offer insights and to suggest changes.
Identify barriers mobile app users experience when finding sheets in the main navigation system for improvements
🏷 Recents/Favorites
🔍 Search
🗂 Workspaces/Sheets
Screen participants with data provided by Smartsheet Business Intelligence team
Conduct 60-min usability testing sessions over Zoom with 10 Smartsheet users
Analyze transcribed data through qualitative coding
Present the insights and recommendations with a report and presentations
We asked the participants to use 2 devices to join the interview - mobile and a desktop with a webcam. The participants shared their mobile device screens and made their faces visible throughout the interview.
In addition to our interview notes, we used Dovetail to transcribe the interviews. We created tags related to specific features and emotions users experience to code the transcribed data.
Our team presented the analysis and findings to 11 Smartsheet mobile team members and received feedback. After our presentation, Smartsheet team reprioritized the plans for UX enhancements.